Saturday, December 6, 2008

unclassed choropleth map

This is an unclassed choropleth map of Nebraska depicting median housing value.

Bivariate Choropleth map

This is Bivariate choropleth map showing the ratio and capital of olympic athletes in the USA.

Standardized choropleth map

This is a standardized choropleth map showing the population density of the United States. The eastern states have the highest population density. The western and mid-western states have the least population density.

Nominal area choropleth map

This is nominal area choropleth map of the USA 2008 Election. The data show that the Democrats win most of the state vote and the presidental election.

Statistical map

This statistical map of Napoleon’s Russian campaign of 1812 show the size of Napoleon’s army width of the lines of defence advance (green) and retreat (gold).

Isolin map

this is a Isoline map showing the natural conditions in which water transfer to different region in the Mongolia mountains.

Proportional map

This is a proportional map showing the location and position of football players an a football field.